Seven Common Questions Parents Have About Orthodontic Treatment

Today, nearly four million children in the United States and Canada are receiving treatment from orthodontists. And while parents know that orthodontic treatment results in a healthy, beautiful smile, many don’t realize the important long-term health benefits.

1.    Why is orthodontic treatment important?
A: Straight teeth and properly aligned jaws contribute to good dental health as well as overall physical health. Orthodontic treatment can boost a person’s self-image as teeth, lips and jaws move into position and improve appearance.

2.    How do parents know if their child needs orthodontic treatment?
A: The best way is to visit an orthodontist. The AAO recommends that all children get a check-up with an orthodontist no later than age seven.

3.    What if my child still has baby teeth at age seven? Should they still see an orthodontist?
A:  Yes.  By age 7, enough permanent teeth have arrived for orthodontists to evaluate how the teeth and jaws meet, and to identify current or developing problems.

4.    How does a child’s growth affect orthodontic treatment?
A: Treatment and growth often compliment each other. In some cases, the orthodontist takes advantage of a child’s growth to guide jaws and teeth into their ideal positions.

5.    How often do you visit your orthodontist while in orthodontic treatment?
A: Typically a child will see the orthodontist every 6-12 weeks throughout the course of treatment.

6.    How do I find an orthodontist?
A: Ask your family dentist, pediatrician, family and friends or check out the AAO website for a list of providers in your area. It is important to choose an orthodontist who is a member of the AAO.  Orthodontists receive an additional two to three years of specialized education beyond dental school to learn the proper way to align and straighten teeth.  Only those with this formal education may call themselves “orthodontists,” and only orthodontists may be members of the AAO.

7.    What is the average cost of orthodontic treatment?
A: Fees will vary, depending on the treatment needed.  Most orthodontists offer convenient payment plans, making treatment more affordable than ever.  Most orthodontists will work with you to find a plan that fits your family budget.  In addition, many patients have dental insurance that includes orthodontic benefits.