
Thinking About Orthodontic Treatment? Read This

October 15th, 2018


October is Orthodontic Health Month

We’re super excited over here at Lakewood Park Orthodontics for our favorite month of the year; October is Orthodontic Health Month! To us, orthodontics encompasses more than just putting brackets on teeth. Through orthodontics we bring confidence, health and joy to our patients. To help give someone the confidence to smile (a real, big smile) is irreplaceable. This confidence extends into our patients daily lives and enables them to feel comfortable with who they are. So yah, Orthodontic Health Month is a big deal around here ;)

There are many blog posts about the benefits of a straight, healthy smile (decreased risk of oral disease, tooth decay, injury, jaw problems, confidence…) this is not one of those posts.  If you’re reading this blog you likely have already researched the benefits or orthodontic treatment and are considering starting treatment. Today, I want to help you break down any barriers that are keeping you from moving toward your goal of a healthy, straight smile. So let’s discuss some common barriers that patients face when deciding to start treatment.

  1. You don’t think you have time for appointments: It’s true, at the beginning of treatment, there is usually a longer appointment needed the day we put the braces on or get started with Invisalign. After the initial appointment you are usually in only every 6-8 weeks with braces and every 10 weeks with Invisalign. These appointments can easily be scheduled in advance in order to make sure they are convenient for your schedule. At Lakewood Park we also offer evening appointments on Tuesdays and Saturday morning appointments one Saturday a month. You are sure to find something that works with your schedule!
  2. You don’t like the way braces look: Technological advances in orthodontics have come so far! Now we have clear aligners (like Invisalign) and ceramic braces that are just as effective as regular metal braces but with the advantage of being barely noticeable. Many adults and teens are taking advantage of these new technologies.
  3. You think you are too old for braces: The number of adults pursuing orthodontic treatment is rising. In fact, it increased by 40% between 1989 and 2012. As of 2014 there were 1.4 million adults in orthodontic treatment and this number has likely risen. At Lakewood Park we have patients in there 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and 70’s! Adults are realizing the benefits of orthodontic treatment. A study conducted on behalf of the AAO found that 75% of adults who had orthodontic treatment reported improvements in career or personal relationships, which they attributed to their improved post-orthodontic smile. Citing their newfound self-confidence, 92% of survey respondents said they would recommend orthodontic treatment to other adults. Many of our adult patients were not motivated by the aesthetic benefits of treatment but for the health benefits that come along with a proper malocclusion (bite) like the ability to keep your teeth clean, prevent decay, recession and gum disease! (for them, a dazzling, straight smile is just an added bonus!) Whatever your reasons are for pursuing orthodontic treatment as an adult, know that you are in good company.


The benefits of orthodontic treatment are far reaching. Improving your smile can bring you a new found confidence that will last a lifetime (no matter what your age)! At Lakewood Park Orthodontics, we believe that the benefits of a healthy smile outweigh any of the barriers that might be holding you back.

What do you think? You’ve been considering it for long enough – it’s time to take the next step. Come in and ask your questions, confront your barriers and learn what treatment options are right for you at your free consultation. Call us at (508) 319 1545 or email us at

We hope to talk to you soon!

Braces for Adults

July 18th, 2017

The number of adults investing in their oral health is on the rise. Adults are seeking braces for all types of issues from minor crowding or spacing to more significant bite issues. One of the main reasons for this increase in adult patients is the advancement in the design of braces that make them less noticeable. A ‘mouth full of metal’ is no longer a requirement for straight teeth and a healthy bite. Clear braces can create a brilliant smile without compromising self-esteem or professional appearance.
At Lakewood Park we offer ceramic braces and Invisalign. Ceramic braces are like metal braces, except the brackets are tooth-colored. With advances in the industry, ceramic braces are now as strong and effective as regular metal braces. Invisalign are clear aligners. They are removable custom-fit plastic pieces that resemble retainers. They are nearly inviscid and virtually pain free, with no brackets to come off or wires to break and poke. Clear aligners are removed to eat, brush and floss. Although they are removable it is important to wear them 20-22 hours a day for them to be effective.
You no longer have to let worry about what braces will look like keep you from having the smile you deserve. For more information about how ceramic brackets or Invisalign could work for you call Lakewood Park Orthodontics at (508) 319 1545 for a free consultation

We Now Do Digital Impressions

May 5th, 2017

Lakewood Park Orthodontics is now the proud owner of an iTero Intraoral Scanner. This new scanner puts the latest technology at our fingertips. Now, we can take impressions with a quick scan that usually only takes a few minutes. This means less goopy, sticky impressions for our patients. (We know you'll miss the old sticky impressions though). The scanner also allows us to do lots of cool things...We can show you your study models on the computer screen to show you the progress you've made. We can also simulate what results you can expect from an Invisalign treatment before you even start! Soon, we will even be able to use the scans to make appliances! We are super excited. Come in and get a scan to see what your teeth would look like after treatment!

When Clear Braces Are Better Than Invisalign

March 5th, 2013

Many people who want straight teeth never go through with treatment because they just don’t like the way braces look. In 1998, Align Technology introduced Invisalign tooth positioning aligners. Up until that time, the only cosmetic alternatives to silver braces on the teeth were clear (ceramic) or lingual (inside) braces. Why do orthodontists still use clear braces when Invisalign seems so much better?

Align Technology’s introduction of Invisalign changed the field of orthodontics forever. For appropriate cases, Invisalign does provide the esthetic alternative to metal braces that many patients are seeking. When Align bypassed professional providers and marketed directly to the public, they created a demand for their product and an expectation that teeth can now be straightened without wires and brackets glued to the teeth. Because the Invisalign system seems so much easier to use than conventional braces, more than 300,000 non-specialist dentists are now also offering orthodontic services in their practices. Although these changes have encouraged more patients to seek treatment, Invisalign is not a replacement for braces in all cases.

Although clear aligners are appropriate for many orthodontic problems, they are still biomechanically inferior to conventional braces in many situations. Because it is more difficult for plastic shells to create some of the forces required for complex tooth movements like turning round teeth, making teeth longer, and paralleling roots in extraction cases, most orthodontists still prefer to use brackets and wires for moderate to severe cases.

By taking Invisalign directly to the public without explaining its limitations, Align forces orthodontists to be “the bad guys” who more often than not have to give disappointing news to overly optimistic prospective patients. Only one out of eight patients who come in hoping for Invisalign have problems that qualify for aligner therapy. The other seven would obtain better result with braces.

Because Invisalign appears easier to use than braces, dentists with little or no orthodontic training are now also offering orthodontic services to their patients. Since most of us trust the advice of our family dentist, rarely do we question when he recommends a new service. The results obtained by any doctor however are determined by his skills and experience. Eliminating brackets and wires does not eliminate the need for accurate diagnosis, treatment planning, and case management. Invisalign is simply a tool not a replacement for experience and skills.

Dr. Hughes uses Invisalign to treat mild to moderate crowding and alignment cases. It is especially good for patients who have had previous orthodontic treatment but did not wear their retainers and have experienced some relapse. The fact that patients can take out their aligners to eat and brush is very convenient. Patients like it because it looks so much better than braces. So in many cases, Invisalign is actually the treatment of choice.

However, if Invisalign is not appropriate for your particular problem, you do have other options. The most tried and true economical alternative is clear braces. They have been around a long time and are now better than ever! Modern manufacturing techniques have overcome practically all of the long-standing weaknesses that have plagued previous generations of clear brackets. Today’s appliances are stronger, smaller, and do not stain like previous models. They can be used for the exact same complex movements as metal brackets and move the teeth just as efficiently. The only two drawbacks that remain are that they are still more fragile than metal (for athletes in contact sports), and they still cost your orthodontist more to purchase (which she must pass on to you).

So if you are dead set against metal braces you have options. Invisalign might be perfect for you if your problems are only mild to moderate. If you want the most cost-effective esthetic alternative to “railroad tracks” that can actually move your teeth like metal, ask your orthodontist to show you today’s clear braces. I think you’ll be impressed.